It's not what you write, it's what you don't or find hard to write. As authors, it's our job to cause conflict, cause the reader to feel emotions. We can make our characters do whatever we want them to. We can also harm them, fix them, cure them, bring them back to live, perform miracles on them,etc. Easy? No, not for me, anyway.
How to get passed my own conflict and discomforts? What aren't I writing? If I put my character in an embarrassing position, it's hard to push through because it might be a situation I'd never find myself in and avoid. Personally, I'm a peaceful person who dislikes confrontation, so putting my characters in a situations I'd avoid is particularly hard for me, yet it's necessary. Every story needs conflict, and sometimes it's at the expense of the character. I think I must block out anything uncomfortable. What I'm saying, yet not writing, is conflict is a personal thing.
An exercise I could try would be to write about every avoidable conflict I can think of without offering my character a hand. No help from this author, no siree.
How about anyone else? How do you overcome avoidance due to your own personality?