Saturday, October 31, 2009

Writers are the Best People

I'm ashamed of myself. I wrote the last post and didn't get back to it until now. I've read the comments and realized what a wonderful world we live in when people can give such sincere care to someone they don't know. I've been uplifted by your comments and nearly in tears. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I think the best people in the world are writers. What an inspiration you have been to me.

The good news is, I'm writing again and loving it. I'm 52% done with my novel and it's falling into place nicely. I look outside and see the brilliant yellow leaves and think, by the time they grow green again, I hope to have it done.

Thank you all so much.
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1 comment:

  1. I think it is wonderful the support we get from each other.
    It is wonderful to hear you are writing again.
