Wednesday, September 26, 2012

CAPTCHA-- the bane of my existence

"Capture" and standing for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart," CAPTCHA.

Why oh why won't these things work for me. I'm not sure if it's some security things on my computer or if I'm really so stupid, I can never get these things to work for me. I've tried to comment of some of your posts, out there in blogsville, but am forced to give up after twenty or thirty tries. It's frustrating. So that's why I haven't been able to communicate with some of you.

Recently, I accidentally installed some security thing. I didn't realize it until it was too late and I didn't notice what it was called so I can go in and delete the program from Control Panel. Still working on locating it.

So, that's my Wednesday complaint. I may coin Wednesdays "Whining Wednesday" from now on.

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  1. I did a post on Monday about Word Verification. Every commenter hates it. So you're not alone.

    I think that's what you've turned on here. Go to the design page and click on Settings, then Posts and Comments, and see if Word Verification is set to YES. If it is, change it to NO and save your change.

    Now let's see if I can get Blogger to save this comment.

    1. How embarrassing. I had no idea. Who set that, because I didn't, at least not specifically. Maybe I was tricked into it. Anyway, I fixed it and I apologize.

    2. Ah, now I just assumed that's what you were referring to when you said you'd accidently installed something. I think Blogger likes to change these setting every so often just to mess with us. If it turns mine back on, I hope someone tells me.

  2. I HATE those word verification thingies. Aaargh! You've got it set up here - PLEASE get rid of it.

    1. I did get rid of it and I'm a little embarrassed. I didn't know.

  3. I tried over 12 times today to comment on a blog post, and finally gave up. I'm just not going to waste my time on this anymore.

  4. BTW, it only took me 3 times to get the above posted. Turns out I was supposed to type the numbers as well as the letters. Arggh!

    1. Man, my face is red. I wondered if I had it but I, to the best of my knowledge, never set it up that way. It's fixed now, I hope you'll come back.

  5. why not just get rid of the captcha? Bots are people too. Oh Wait, they're not.

    ok, so keep it , but will it keep the drones from flying overhead?


    captcha is surrender to the robots before the fight began. us humans are dead.

  6. Thanks for sharing. I hope it will be helpful for too many people that are searching for this topic. Keep posting and keep this forum a great place to learn things.
