Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thanksgiving is almost here--I'm so close

It's going to be Thanksgiving soon and it's imperative everything is resolved by then. My story has a little over a week to complete. I'm very excited for this holiday even though it is completely fabricated. My goal all along has been a Thanksgiving scene at the end of my book, just like in the movies. Will it be a happy Thanksgiving or a sad one? I'm not saying.

My goal is 80,000 words. I'm going to exceed that, but not by more than a few thousand. For a while I was taking so much out of the rewrite, I feared I wouldn't make that much. Not that it would have been tragic. It would still be considered a novel, just a shorter version. But no fears.

My new goal for completely finished is April 2010, but I may be able to shorten that. Last year I said the same thing, but last year was the beginning a long, long slump--writer's block is you will. When all is said and done, this novel will have taken me nearly two years to complete.

I'm breaking my arm patting myself on the back, but the fact still remains, It is not complete until I write two words at the "The End."
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  1. I enjoy writing too. Looking forward to reading your blog more now that I've found it.
    I have a draft of the first 7 chapters of my book on website. please read and comment

  2. I am new to your blog and following you. I like writing but don't really have the time to write sadly. I look forward to reading your blog though. I would love if you stopped by my blog and followed me.

    Many blessings,

  3. Like your blog: now the Christmas is here, and time to celebrate :)

  4. Happy Holidays and my wish for you in the coming year is that it will be overflowing with new and wonderful accomplishments.

    Best Regards,
