Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

I've completed my editing portion, printed the MS, wrapped it all up into a neat package, and I'm ready to send it off for it's final proofing. Enclosed in this package is a cover letter, a query letter, and a synopsis. Hopefully my friend won't take six months to get it back to me with corrections. Unfortunately, my friend is not computer literate, so sending her an attachment via email is out of the question. Thus begins my first period of "hurry up and wait."

It's a grueling process, I think. The problem as I see it is I'm not getting any younger. I'll send it out a few times to see if I can get an agent, but if I have to wait for years to get this thing published, I may opt to self-publish in order to see it completed before I die. The fun is in writing it anyway.

For my next project, I'd like to write something fun. I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas. Anyone have any suggestions they're not going to use? Oh well, it will come to me. It's just hard to leave my characters. They are like family. The nice thing about that is I can always visit them in print.

Have a great Sunday, everyone, and for those going back to work tomorrow, try to have a great week.
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  1. A good place to look for ideas is the Adopt a Plot section on I've gotten some awesome stuff from there!

  2. I had the pleasure of sitting on a jammed packed, UK tube train recently. That was fun. I would have written something down, had I got room.

    Hot, stuffy carriage, containing half the world and a dog, standing with their buttocks in the faces of those sitting down. Any help to you? LOL

  3. I hate the waiting game,too. I would also like to see something of mine published before I leave this world. Good luck and congratulations. I love my characters, too, and I am anxious to see them in print.

  4. There is a plate of meat and potatoes sitting on my blog for you! :)

  5. Hey! Love your blog. Just wanted to let you know that I have awarded you! :) God bless

