Saturday, April 24, 2010

Book Trailer

I put this trailer together months ago, more like a year ago, when I was just messing around. Since I'm in the middle of composing a query letter and a synopsis, I thought about this trailer and realized I had already summarized the book without realizing it. It's a simplified version, I admit, but it was fairly painless to do, and, in fact, kind of fun So even though the book is not published, or even queried, I thought I'd share the trailer. Let me know what you think, keeping in mind, the book is not available and the cover and possibly the title may change, though I'm quite fond of the title. That's down below.

On another note there is a fiction novel contest sponsored by the New American Press Click here Submit 100-400 pages of, it sounds like, anything. You have to send a hard copy via snail mail and it cost $20.00 to join. Multiple submissions are encouraged. It'll cost you $20.00 for each. Submissions close May 15, 2010.

I'm seriously thinking of submitting my finished MS. I doubt I'll be able to get it fully proofed by then, but it should be fun. I don't expect to win, anyway, but don't tell them that.

Right now my hubby is reading it. Bless his heart, he says he likes it. What else would he say, but he's pretty honest, albeit a bit biased.

Well, it was great talking with you. I'm thankful for your comments and I welcome all my new peeps. The more the merrier, I love you all.

God bless.


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  1. I really like this! The trailer is short & sweet, it gives me a sense of the story. I would look for the title in stores... Good luck with sending out query letters. It sounds like there is a potential market for this book. Fingers crossed!!!

  2. Brilliant job, well done. How clever you are!
