Thursday, December 23, 2010

Who do you write for?

Is there such a thing as too much praise? Probably, but I've never reached the peak. Some people think only one compliment is necessary. It's all psychology, you know. Maybe I grew up unappreciated. One compliment should suffice.

As writers every word is agonizing. To put thoughts on paper and make them flow so future readers can be wowed by them . . . Oh wait, that's not why we write, is it?

In the back of your minds, who are you thinking about when you write? Are you trying to impress or do you do it for the shear joy of writing? Dig deep.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth, I am new to your blog but it looks like a keeper! In answer to this post's question, I would say that I am surprised at how much attention I want when I put something I've written "out there"!
    When I post a FB NOTE or a new blog post, I love to see new comments arrive. If they do not appear I wonder what I did wrong.
    The surprise about this is that I have always written for myself, have piles of private journals to prove that I did not NEED acceptance from others as a motivation.
    But I sure do love those comments!
